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FITCare employees are "healthy support workers"

FITCare has a dedicated team of support workers / mentors that strives to deliver the highest care to people living with a disability.

FITCare is a Registered NDIS Provider, demonstrating we have met the specific quality and safeguards requirements to provide quality service to people with a disability. We are "healthy support workers" delivering "healthy support work", assisting people with daily living, life skills, participation in community and social activities, transport and travel assistance and much more!

We offer a range of supports and can be your "one stop shop" for your support worker requirements. FITCare employees undergo an extensive screening and training program with ongoing educational pathways to ensure we are the leaders in our field. Our person centred focus will deliver customised programs to help people achieve their goals and aspirations

We aim to improve the quality of life for people with disability

Our customers are unique, so we have made a commitment to deliver a support service that empowers individuals to achieve what they want out of life by creating better access to all things!

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